The building blocks for comprehensive pension inclusion already exist in most developing countries...

Strong political and regulatory commitment
AMCs and insurers looking for new markets
Broad-based digital ID and payments adoption
Near universal mobile penetration
1.2b informal workers with capacity to save
Outreach by trusted community networks

... yet there's no easy and simple way for most people to save for old age or manage lifecycle risks.

Supply-side constraints and solutions


Legacy platforms

Most pension systems run on legacy tech designed for mandatory pensions for the salaried. Incapable of delivering voluntary micro-pensions to the self-employed.


Specialized pensionTech

White-labelled pensionTech platform designed specifically to administer and deliver voluntary micro-pensions to non-salaried individuals.

pinBox solution

High capital cost

Building proprietary pensionTech for non-salaried from scratch is hugely expensive – in terms of capital costs, time-to-market and mistakes in design.


Low variable cost model

Countries and finance firms license a customized and ready-to-deploy pinBox pension platform. Avoid large capital investments on building proprietary pension Tech for LMI segments.

pinBox solution

Pro-rich sales models

Finance firms use tax incentives and/or agents to drive product sales. But sales commissions on small-ticket pensions and insurance are unattractive for agents. Also, most LMI segments are not taxpayers.


Democratized pensions

Secure APIs help leverage the existing DFS ecosystem to "switch-on" a multi-product omni-channel marketplace. Governments and finance firms don't face millions of tiny transactions. Deal only with wholesale assets/ aggregated premiums.

pinBox solution

Limited experience

Most countries do not have prior experience with building a micro-pension mass-market among low and middle-income (LMI) segments.


Expert advisory services

An expert pinBox team supports product and process architecture design, provides field-tested financial literacy tools, and helps set up an effective customer protection and governance framework.

pinBox solution

Demand-side barriers and solutions


Friction, low access

Cumbersome KYC and complicated paper-based processes inhibit voluntary participation, increase costs and restrict access.


Simple UI, easy access

Familiar UI-UX of WhatsApp democratizes access and makes account activation as easy and simple as sending a message.

pinBox solution

Affordability constraints

Most informal workers are uninsured. Use savings and/or expensive loans for risk management. Leaves no room for savings for old age or other lifecycle needs.


Integrated products

Pensions are layered with micro-SIP and insurance. Citizens enjoy single-window access to an integrated product basket.

pinBox solution

Modest, irregular incomes

LMI segments earn modest irregular incomes. Can't afford large, regular contributions.



Subscribers are free to save in line with their own capacity and income flows. No penalties for missed contributions

pinBox solution

Myopia, low confidence

Financial illiteracy and negligible experience with formal finance lowers public confidence and retail uptake


Trusted interface, incentives

Credible outreach partners deliver financial literacy, cross-sell the solution to their clients and drive persistency. Also, fiscal incentives (matching contributions) can motivate voluntary adoption and persistency.

pinBox solution

pinBox Model: How it works

Digital marketplace
We use secure APIs to integrate the DFS ecosystem and help “switch-on” a multi-product, omni-channel digital micro-pension marketplace. In a few months. In any country. On a variable cost basis.
Simple, easy UI-UX
Citizens use mobiles to access the marketplace and easily set up and manage an integrated, NID-linked pension and insurance account. Use any regulated payment solution to save in line with their own income flows.
Trusted interface
Credible field partners have free, plug-and-play marketplace access. Deliver financial literacy, cross-sell and prompt regular savings. Enjoy new fee income, long-term loyalty and a triple bottomline impact.
Aggregated demand
Governments and finance firms achieve mass-market coverage but deal only with wholesale assets and aggregated premiums. Unique NID-linked accounts enable targeted fiscal incentives without leakages.

How we engage


Planning & Design

  • Mission Office set-up
  • Supply-side assessment
  • Review of existing legal and regulatory frameworks
  • Demand side study
  • Implementation blueprint: governance framework, digital

Build & Pilot-Test

  • pensionTech customization and API integrations
  • Limited scale rollout to field-test IEC tools, product rules, digital processes and uptake
  • Refine implementation strategy, IEC, behavioral interventions and incentives based on field experience


  • Upscale deployment
  • Concurrent M&E
  • Periodic review of outcomes and implementation experience
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