October, 2019
pinBox speaks on India’s micro-pension experience at the GEPF Annual Thought Leadership Conference 2019 at Cape Town, South Africa
Gautam Bhardwaj, pinBox co-founder, shared the India and Rwanda approach and experience with voluntary micro-pensions for non-salaried workers at the Annual Thought Leadership Conference 2019 co-hosted by the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) and The World Bank at Cape Town. Gautam also participated on a panel discussion on the DB-DC Conundrum moderated by FIONA STEWART, World Bank’s global lead on pensions. The panel included Olga Fuentes, Chile’s pension regulator and Andrew Slater. The conference was attended by around 200 policymakers, regulators and pension sector experts from Africa, Europe and Asia and examined a range of key issues including pension fund governance, ESG, risk management and prescribed investments. Other speakers included Mr. Abel Sithole, the CEO of GEPF, Rob Rusconi, Eric Gires, Jordan Berger, Bernard Murira, Kenneth S. Matomola, RAMOTSHUDI ISAAC RAMPUTA and Nzomo Mutuku.
December, 2019
July, 2019